Since learning about Breakthrough Twin Cities in 2017, Marilyn has been an ardent supporter
and advocate of the organization – inspired by its demonstrated impact and impressed by the
young people, teaching fellows, and staff who make up the Breakthrough community. She
believes that young people need and deserve programs like Breakthrough and is committed to
its growth and success.
For the past 45 years, Marilyn has worked with community-based organizations to develop,
evaluate, and implement effective programs that improve the health and well-being of youth
and families. Marilyn is known as a strategic thinker, collaborative partner, strong advocate,
and skilled communicator. She comes to her professional and volunteer work with a passion for
young people and an understanding of the realities of the non-profit world.
Always one to take advantage of her free time, Marilyn enjoys hanging with her kids and
grandkids, walking with friends, biking MN trails, traveling wherever she can, and enjoying great
meals cooked by her husband, Jeff.